A season of two parts. Cissy of Wildstems and I had a fantastic festive frenzy of collecting foliage, packing up kits, and running wreathing parties over zoom in the studio. Now, the garden is resting under blankets of mulch. As a clever friend mused to me this week, plants, like us are biding their time until we can all emerge from hibernation.
We had time over our Christmas Break to move our greenhouse into the Walled Garden, finally lift the dahlias and cover the Ranunculus.

This week Cissy and I collected the first months delivery of our sold out package ‘A Year of Flowers’. There was a real optimistic feeling towards the year to come.

Packaging up beautiful Kate Spencer bud vases and little jam jars of snowdrops and hellebores, even in the sparsest month for material, the studio was full of scent and beauty.

If it looks this good in January, I am so excited for Spring!

There is still so much to see and be grateful for whilst be bide our time.
Love these images, and the idea that we are all in hibernation! I wish I could have some of those beautiful flowers right now!